Investigation Boost

Are these statements valid for your organisation?

  • Individual incidents are investigated but the impact is little;
  •          Learning form incidents is focused on front-end operators;
  •          More systemic and underlying themes and processes are not investigated;
  •          You need a fresh perspective on your investigation approach; a perspective that facilitates learning, rather than simply fixing the immediate broken (often human) component. 

The Investigation Boost is the way to get high quality investigation expertise into your organisation, specifically designed to address these   kind of problems. We aim to boost the performance of your organisational learning process.

For one or two months, you have access to various forms of expertise and support that is tailored to your needs. 

For example:

  • Peer review of current investigations
  •       Support and coaching for interviewing and running learning sessions
  •           Support and coaching for learning sessions with management
  •           Execute incident investigations alongside internal investigators
  •          Training on different progressive views on safety and learning (Safety II, HRO, Resilience, etc.)
  •         Training on various human factors and system safety methods and models (Local Rationality Investigations, Accimap (or Snook’s Causal Map), Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM), etc.)

Through our Investigation Boost – using a combination of practical tools, theory and inspiration –  your learning process will be boosted with progressive and systems views on safety and learning. The people involved in your investigation processes can get tailored support and will be able to put all of the above into practice, thereby increasing not only their effectiveness at facilitating organisational learning, but also their (and your!) happiness at work!

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the needs of the team and the support that we can deliver (online)!